About intelleci Publications
Intelleci Publications remains dedicated to producing top-tier research, consistently drawing influential works from leading authors worldwide.
As the engine of science keeps moving forward, Intelleci Publications remains dedicated to staying in step. We are continually expanding our offerings and enhancing our existing resources to help scientists advance their research and support their professional growth.
Intelleci Publications aids researchers by providing access to journals, eBooks, scientific programs, ePrints and reprints, seminars, conferences, a news magazine, and digital media.
Trusted Peer Review
Every Type of Research
Rapid Publication
Broad Global Exposure
Authors to Share Their Work
Trusted Peer Review
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Every Type of Research
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Rapid Publication
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Broad Global Exposure
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Authors to Share Their Work
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Intelleci Publications Mission Statement
Intelleci’s Publications Division offers its members and the global scientific community a wide array of high-quality information products and services across various media. These resources aim to advance the practice of Science and technology. Additionally, the division strives to generate an annual net contribution from operations to support the Society’s mission of advancing the broader Science and technology enterprise and its practitioners for the benefit of Earth and its inhabitants.